Here is what people are saying about the NWA:
NWA History | Watermelon Story | State Chapters | Membership
Membership Lists
In the late 1700s when the U.S. became a nation, about 90% of the country was made up of farmers. In the late 1800s, about 30% of the country’s population was employed in farming. Today, less than 2% of all Americans work in agriculture.
How does that have anything to do with ‘Membership’? Take a look at your advocate on the front lines, the National Watermelon Association, and see what it means.
We have federal legislators that debate bills and pass laws that affect you, your business and your future. Over 96% of those legislators are far removed from farming and your way of life. You have an advocate that is front and center with the goal to ensure that those regulations, policies and laws will not impede your ability to grow your business and succeed. Your NWA membership guarantees that your voice will be heard.
We invest tens of thousands each year into production research with Universities and USDA labs that seek solutions to grower problems. Whether they be disease pressures, cosmetic issues (i.e. hollow heart) or potential uses of culls (i.e. ethanol), we are making a difference to help growers produce a crop and make a profit. Your NWA membership provides a forum for you to help guide future research initiatives.
We are on the forefront of food safety and state-of-the-art traceability by authoring our own food safety program called the “Commodity Specific Food Safety Guidelines for the Fresh Watermelon Supply Chain”. We recommended a state-of-the-art traceability program that far exceeds PTI requirements, and will track each individual watermelon from farm to consumer. And, we have advocated for federal legislation with Congress and FDA that will be commodity-specific and risk-based.
Our National Watermelon Queen is well trained to be a spokesperson and ambassador in promoting the health benefits and consumption of watermelon, and participates in many promotions throughout the U.S., and in recent years has reached out to Canada, Mexico and Japan. The program is complimented by eight (8) Chapter Queens who compete for the National position at our annual convention. If you have a promotion need, we have the expertise to make it successful.
We publish two communications programs that keep our membership up to date on our programs and news that is key to the watermelon industry. The Vineline is our quarterly member magazine that is sought by all of our members. And, our web site, nationalwatermelonassociation.com includes all NWA programs and services.
And last but certainly not least, we hold one of the most fun-filled industry conventions every year. Crisscrossing the country over 450 industry members gather to learn about new trends, locate suppliers, determine policy and programs for the coming year, raise funds through the auction to finance those programs, share fellowship, and have a lot of fun.
The complex and integrated nature of the industry is making membership more valuable than ever before. The services provided by the association are becoming more important because we are in a world that is moving quicker.
The NWA was organized by the commodity itself in 1914 to provide a focused and direct benefit to the industry, while businesses joined forces with their colleagues to make a difference. The extent of services provided is dependent on one thing – the members. The best associations are dynamically member-driven and tailor their programs to what the members want and need. That is the NWA. Join us.
Membership in the National Watermelon Association is voluntary, and open to anyone who has an interest in the Watermelon Industry. Our priorities and responsibilities include effective communications with our members through the Vineline magazine, Off The Vine newsletter, and NWA web site, the search for solutions to grower disease & farming issues, legislative matters in Washington that effect our industry, promotions through our National Watermelon Queen program, and providing “VALUE” in all that we do for our members.
Input and participation from our members to our priorities and programs each year is a critical step to our success. Membership in the Association is your first step toward sharing your experience and expertise, which will allow us to be successful for you.
What qualifies membership in the NWA?
- Paid membership in at least one of our nine (9) State Chapter Associations
- Paid membership to the NWA by the State Chapter Association on behalf of each member
- Company membership equals One Individual Membership in the NWA
Membership benefits:
- Annual subscription to The Vineline magazine
- Opportunity to pay member-only discounted fees at NWA National Convention
- Opportunity to access member-only sections of the NWA web site
- Opportunity to serve on NWA committees, participate in events, etc.
- Opportunity to get involved, and make a difference for the industry at the chapter and national levels
The first step is to contact one of our local chapters or the NWA office to get involved. The chapters can be contacted through their web site or web page. Simply click on the following link to go directly to that opportunity.
Alabama Watermelon Association |
Western Watermelon Association |
Florida Watermelon Association |
Georgia Watermelon Association |
Indiana-Illinois Watermelon Association |
Maryland-Delaware Watermelon Association |
North Carolina Watermelon Association |
South Carolina Watermelon Association |
Texas Watermelon Association |